Why Choose Us?

Research indicates that dairy products manufactured from the milk of free-range, grass-fed cows are not only more palatable but also more nutrient-dense than milk from cows who graze on artificial turf or whose diet consists primarily of cereal and grains.

Cow milk fed on grass is beneficial to human health.

The milk of cows raised on grass contains a greater amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has been demonstrated to have numerous positive health impacts on humans, such as:

  • reducing body fat
  • lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer
  • modulating immune and inflammatory responses
  • improving bone mass

An approach to farming that is more ecologically friendly is the grass-fed system.

  • Since the feed is produced on the farm, grass-fed systems typically have more efficient resource usage since they require less space, energy, and machinery than systems that produce feed that is purchased.
  • Cows that graze outside are able to exhibit their typical behaviors, which fosters social interaction and the establishment of herd hierarchy. Outside grazing cows are one example of positive animal welfare.

The grass-fed difference

In contrast to milk from cows fed grains, milk from grass-fed cows has the following ingredients:

  • An ideal ratio of omega-3 fats is crucial for overall wellness.
  • increased levels of antioxidants that shield cells from harm, vitamin A, and vitamin E
  • Vitamin A (retinol), which is produced from beta-carotene, is a necessary antioxidant that has positive effects on immunity, skin, and eyesight in addition to providing defense against free radicals that harm cells.